2020 that is plenty

Can’t believe it’s been so long since I last wrote anything, time and life has moved so quickly and has been good to me too. I have moved house (again) got a job, changed jobs, got a promotion and come to terms with both my own and my sons diagnosis of Aspergers.

Busy time, the last five to six years have flown by so fast, suddenly we are in 2020. I took unwell in March. Not horribly ill but it was unpleasant. I can only describe it as a dry flu, the aches and exhaustion minus the snot. Breathing wise, it was like I was walking into a strong wind all the time, as if something was catching my breath. Maybe it was COVID but maybe it was just another virus. Anyway, regardless I was suddenly invited to work from home, a week later, the entire country plus many others, followed suit.

The first lockdown was, for me anyway, exciting. The weather was stunning, blue skies, neighbours chatted over the fence, people chatted whilst out on walks and the pace of life became kinder. Of course, those reduced to benefits or cramped into overcrowded accommodation with no outside space had a very different experience. My heart goes out to them.

We are into December now, party season cancelled among the rising unemployment, closed shops and pubs, not to mention gyms, sports venues as well as many cafes and offices. The blue skies and Thursday night doorstep claps for the NHS workers already seem a distant memory. Now it just seems grey and grim. To cheer ourselves up, many have put up the Christmas tree early and hung extra lights, it’s working. A little anyway. Christmas cheer is near.

Two main dampeners for me.

1. I saw my daughter briefly last Christmas, she got up for a couple of days (she lives/works in London). Both she and her partner hoped to get up in the Spring for a week. Phone calls are good but not the same, I miss my hugs.

I am so grateful however for technology, that we can video call our families and speak to them, share special moments and photos instantly.

2. A friend of 20 years became ill, due to not being able to visit because of local lockdowns, I wasn’t aware how ill. She was found having passed away, cancer. We spoke around twice a week on the phone, she made me laugh with her crazy hair-brained schemes to get rich. I find the idea of her dying alone so sad and difficult to come to terms with.

But I need to console myself that she is a peace and that it appears she slipped away in her sleep, for that I am grateful.

A plus for me was we did get a short break in the middle, my Dad turned 80, we had a fantastic day with most of us managing to come together. Sadly my daughter excluded as England to Scotland travel not allowed. But it was a great occasion and happy memories created. Times like these increase greatly in value.

As 2020 draws to a close, a vaccine looks imminent in its distribution and the likelihood of meeting up for a hug with loved ones becomes a hopeful reality rather than a distant memory, let us look forward to 2021. It’s not going to be an easy year as countries try to recover from the financial impact of the disease, not to mention the many political changes ahead but here’s to us, the human race, resilient, resourceful, hopeful and helpful. Be kind to each other, be respectful of both others and yourself and may you have a happy, healthy and positive year.